in their book "The Scientist In the Crib,Minds Brains, and How Children Learn", the authors talk about one facinating phenomenon. Up to about 7 months of age babies from any country can differentiate sounds like l and r. At ten months the American babies still could hear the difference but the Japanese babies could not tell the difference! The mom's and care givers of these babies had laid down a biased, native language tract for these children. I speculate what if all babies were taught multi-language to hard wire for all intonations. Also in the book they talked about an experiment that had a baby kitten's one eye covered for a period of time. Even tho this eye was fine the kittens brain would not "see" out of the covered eye when the eye was uncovered. How crazy is that. We talked in seminar about how our brain networks inside itself. I guess you use it or lose it.