Ok guys here's the deal...
As I'm sure most of you know there is a weekly publication that comes out every week called the Stranger. The brains behind this awsome operation is a hero named Dan Savage. For this entry his most recent post on his blog
www.thestranger.com will be the subject of review.
Last week Mark Foley (a member of our congress) was busted for sending some very "sexy" e-mails to some very young boys! turns out this activity on Foley's part had been going on for quite some time. In fact his top aid came forward to say that He had reported Foley's behaviour to Haster's office months before this most recent string of e-mails got him cought! How does something like this happen? How does a member of congress go months sending e-mails chalked full of sex content to teenage boys without anyone saying anything? It would seem that as long as you are rich, white, and hold a post that wields some power you can do what ever you want! This is a concept that to me is very interesting. Time and time again you read about coruption in goverment, coruption in corperations and so on and so on. In fact as time goes on this trend of coruption only seems to be getting worse. It feels like while one group of people presses forward to learn more about the human condition and evolve, another side runs in the direction alination. This makes me wonder: is coruption really getting worse, or do the bad thing that that happen seem more terible as some of us become better people then we were in the past?
Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated... more latter.