Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Hot stove means burn!

I think someone already brought this up but why do people constently make the same bad mistakes over and over? Dont you think that you would learn the first time that if some action lands you in jail or kicked out on the street you wouldnt do it agian? i would use like drug addicts as an example but its not a really good one, because they go through rehab and all that and get straight but then bam..like that one hit of what ever and they are back at step one. but drug addicts are just that addicted to some thing..but where does addiction come from? is it like a serious brain(for lack of better word) defect? i know that some people are more likley to get addicted to certain things than others, but now that im off track, let me try to remember what i was thinking first of all. So if you touch a hot stove, and get burned...are you going to purposly do it again? I just cant grasp the idea that when people mess up, work so hard to get good, how they can go and mess it all up over their previous mistake..whats wrong with them? did they not get the 'hot stove means burn' theory? why do people give up so easily on themselves? why are people so self destructive? its hard to compile full thoughts while on my cellular device to a beligerant angery man...so goodbye untill next random thought..

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