Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)


I have read a lot about twin studies to know that some traits are highly heritable. I have also read a lot about how emotional intelligence can be taught in ways to help people function in society. How children interact with parents and peers can change thier behaviors. Lykken and Tellegen (1996) believe in a genetic happiness set point. You can go high or low for a time then tend to return to that set point. You do have control of your life and can learn things to increase your happiness. If you google seligman/authentic happiness you can take a free test and be part of a longitudinal study. 

I wonder if there is a maturation point that you recgonize your "personality self" and think about changes you may want to make. This would be like when a baby first recgonizes itself as a seperate person from others. There seems to be a time in teens to twenties that an awakening happens. This is an extreme time of hormonal changes, peer awareness, seperation from the home nurturing situation and final brain growth. Any thoughts out there? 

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