Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Tourette's Disorder

So last night I caught the first half of True Life on MTV. This week it was about three teenagers/20 somethings who are all living with Tourette's disorder. During middle school I had a subsitute teacher that had a fairly severe case of it. He had the twitches but he also didn't have control of saying curse words and would mutter certain four letter words fairly often. He was an amazing person though and none of my fellow classmates ever made fun of him or anything, but we did always wonder why the school system hired a person who had no control over cussing around 11, 12, and 13 year old kids. This past year I've realized that they maybe looked past it or used it as a tool to make us more tolerant of people who have disorders such as his. I find it pretty amazing though that at the time we didn't make fun of him. The school I went to was pretty intolerant of anyone who wasn't what we considered to be "normal".  Thats enough of my rambling about this. During the show last night one of the girls was having experimental brain surgery and I didn't catch the outcome of that. Does anyone know what exactly this brain surgery is and if it has had any success?

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