Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Kids Act up if they don't nod off

This goes along with the sleep talk we have been discussing.  There is a great article in the News Tribune http://www.thenewstribune.com/soundlife/story/6167251p-5395200c.html [1]

The Mary Bridge sleep clinic offers sleep studies for infants through teens. Children are referred to the clinic by their pediatrician or family doctor.

Like adults, children can suffer from sleep apnea, in which soft tissue in the throat blocks airways during sleep and disrupts rest.

As I read this artcile I also thought of other sleeping problems children and adults have and how this plays a part in their development and what are some ways that parents can help or find help. 

The article also mentions that a three year old should be getting is 12 hours.  I can not help but think of the children that are in our child care.  Some of them in are in care for 10 hours a day and by the time the parent picks them up at 6pm if they were to get 12 hours of sleep they would have to go to bed as soon as they get home.  Then where is the family time foe them?  I am not saying that I think sleep is not important but I am just curious if 12 hours is just a little too much time?  I value the time I get to spend with my daughter and in order for her to meet this need then we would not spend any time together during the week and that makes me sad.  I am just left to wonder where the nurture side to this nature affect comes into play?


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