Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Difference Between the Sexes

I watched this on 20/20 Friday night. From my personal experience I found it was pretty close to the experience I've had with my husband on a few points they made:

Attention to detail: They espoused that men don't pay attention to detail as much as women. They put a woman in a room alone for a period of time and then they put a man in the same room for the same amount of time. They then asked each to recall details of the room. The woman went on and on about every detail of the items in the room. The man had no idea what was in the room. Another point they made was that women process information faster. She asks a man a question and expects an answer right away - this is definitely the case with my husband and me.

Verbal Communication: I can’t recall the numbers, but studies were reported that indicated that women communicated verbally much more than me. My personal experience can attest to that.

Nurture: They talked about how women nurture their babies which drew a comparison to last week’s reading. A mother described her experience while breast feeding as euphoric and even orgasmic. On page 5 of Human Development the author states: “The baby’s obstinate persistence in sucking gives evidence at an early stage of a need for satisfaction which…….should be described as “sexual.”

There was an interview by Ben Barres, a world renowned neurobiologist who used to be Barbara Barres, but underwent a sex change. Barres made the statement that it's easier to be male in the science world. While at MIT Barbara solved a complex equation and the professor told her that her boyfriend must’ve solved it. She was the only one to solve the equation, but didn’t get credit for it.


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