Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Color of the Sexes

This just came to me Saturday after watching the video in class about those two professors discussing Gender and the Sexes.  I am not sure why this came to me then, but it did.  I was hoping to find an answer in our Human Development book Chapter 1.5, but there wasn't one to be found there.  I do have to say it was interesting to find that the scientific world have tried to explain woman in a male context and that it doesn't work, but I digress..  My burning question and if anyone has an answer to it would be wonderful Who ever made the decision that Blue would be for boys and Pink would be for girls?  Doesn't designating a basic color to a sex mess things up? I am just curious.  You go to the store and you'll find lots of blue stuff in the boys section and lots of pink stuff in the girls section.  What if you don't like pink?  Why couldn't a different color been designated for the sexes like green or purple or orange?? 

 Okay if you can't tell I have a hangup about Pink and ruffles and lace to be exact.  I blame it all on being the first born and the first grandchild and being a girl in general and the family thought it would be cute to dress me up in pink, ruffles, and lace and I just hate it!!  You will not find a pink item in my cloest.  Actually you'd be lucky to find a dress in there.  I am a jeans and t-shirt kind of gal.  That's another thing - whoever made the decision that girls wore dresses and boys wore pants?  I am so glad we live in a day and age where girls are not required to wear dresses anymore.  I'd be in big trouble that's for sure.


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