I want the note again how impressed I am with the way in which everyone has made use of the blog. I've witnessed topics from class being discussed on the blog, and topics from the blog crossing over into class. This is exactly what I'd hoped for -- that the conversation would become bigger than what we can do just in the classroom. So, good job!
I have a few thoughts that I hope will make the blog even more relevant to what we're doing:
- We've had lots of posts on a range of issues, many of which may not seem to be concerned with human development at first. I think this is fine (we're still breaking in the blog, and getting used to online conversation). And there isn't much that can't be connected to human development at some level. But, I'd like to suggest that everyone begin to focus in a little when considering what to choose as a topic. When you post something, be sure to comment about how it relates to the themes in the class.
- When you read other's posts, try to make a comment. Ask a question, make an observation, or connect the topic to something we've discussed in class. This might help our conversations go a little deeper, instead of being spread out over such a wide range of topics. If you are thinking about contributing on an specific issue, do a quick check to make sure that it isn't already being discussed on an existing thread.
- Support each other in thinking about things. If someone has posted something without making a connection to our work, engage that person by helping to make that connection. One of the great things about blogging is that it allows us to think as one mind. We are smarter together than we are individually, so use each other's minds to take these ideas further than we would be able to solo.
Remember, this is an experiment. I don't know of another class that has attempted to establish a true community blog as a learning tool. That means that y'all are blazing the trail. It also means that we're making this up as we go along, so be sure to pipe up if you're having any problems.