So I said that for those that left I would post anything that may have been missed following the Identity event.
Not much, Rick excused us following the dancing segment. For those of us that danced for around awhile kinda of a differant experience, at least for me, could explian why I snuck out of the dancing area and hanged on the side. Lack of Rum and Coke limits my ability to get jiggy wit it! For those that missed it, Rick has moves if he was a celebrity he would have a chance to win on "so you think you can dance" Take that Mario Lopez!!!
But back to the experience of the world cafe. Honestly I found it to be pretty interesting, the interactions with other classes and their perspectives on what identity is was very interesting, and some of the discussions led to some random thoughts of my own. Such as, If I was only five foot tall would I have the same identity I have today? If I would have stayed in Eatonville and logged would I have the same views on issues of race, religion, politics?
I would be interested in what others took from the event. So hey share your thougths, thats what this is all about.