YAY it's working!

ok so i appologize for posting late, i had intended to do it wednesday night before i went to cali but the site was still having problems and some how gave me two things but would only let me sign on to the wrong one. anyways, this is my post on my thoughts on the reading:

  • Pg 17, last paragraph. HA! religion is just a crutch! well, in some cases. and don't go all bitchy on my ass it is simply my belief that religion was created by humans who were too weak minded to simply believe in their own beauty and existence. now, on the other hand i do believe in God, and gods, and any deity who's ever been worshipped but i believe that it is our belief that makes them real. if you wanna get into a long discussion email me.
  • Pg 25, last line. I really, really, really like the last line: "...healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death."
  • Pg 50, first paragraph (not of the interview). WTF so the reason i believe that people should just work that little extra bit to make life better for everyone (responsibility to the world) is a fucking genetic trait that i just happen to have cause i have a vagina? though considering the male and female answers it makes sense. though, why didn't they interview both of them to the same depth? perhaps because men do not commonly like to converse? hmm....

k, i'm done. see you all wednesday ^_^
