Published on Ireland Program, 2006-2007 (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ireland)

Writing an Author's Note

You will need to attach an Author’s Note to each Integrative Paper when you turn them in. Keep them in your portfolio with your writing as a record of your growth as a writer. The purpose of the Author’s Note is to help you get the most out of your faculty feedback on your writing for the program. Simply type a few sentences on a separate piece of paper, drawing from the following topics:

1) What process did you use to write the paper? How did you prepare to write? How many drafts did you do, and what changes, if any, did you make from draft to draft. If you only wrote one draft, what was your process for polishing the piece?

2) What are the strengths of your paper? What aspects of the piece are you proud of, and what excites you about them?

3) What would you improve upon given the chance? What areas gave you trouble? What seems confusing or out of place, and why? What questions do you have for your faculty?

4) What insights about your writing did you gain from writing the piece? What new strategies might you use for your next paper?

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