ARCHIVE - Kaleb Coberly's blog en ARCHIVE - my aunt in chain mail <p>Occasionally my conservative aunt sends out politically charged email-in-a-can to everyone on her address list which includes me. The emails range from rich text encouraging the &quot;silent majority&quot; (i.e. obnoxious right-wingers) to &quot;stand up and tell those whiny minorities to shut up&quot; about the ten commandments in public places, to slideshows of American landscapes and monuments and soaring eagles set to a country music song that implicitly ridicules other country musicians who have &quot;unpatriotic&quot; opinions. I thought I&#39;d break the blogging ice by sharing my aunt&#39;s most recent pleasant prepackaged sentiment followed by my immediate reply. In my reply I tried to limit myself to one specific argument rather than launching into everything from the demeaning aspect of the idea of &quot;common sense&quot; to the fallacy that every bird without a worm must be lazy. I must say my reply is a bit caustic, and I would write it a tad differently today. I geuss I was too busy being reactionary in my criticism of reactionarianism. Here is her message:</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sat, 07 Apr 2007 20:53:42 -0700 Kaleb Coberly 32 at