Yahui's blog

Should School Administrators Impose Constraints on Free Speech?

Attached is my final report.
Submitted by Yahui on Thu, 06/07/2007 - 8:38pm.

My Draft Concept Map

Attached is my rough concept map. Comments? Thoughts? Feedback?

Am i on the right track?

Submitted by Yahui on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 9:44pm.

An interesting article i found during my research


Speech Codes, the AHA, and Academic Double Standards

Though often well-intended, speech codes have proved to be detrimental to the academic freedom that is the hallmark of liberal education. So why are codes still so prominent in higher education?

It seems like only yesterday that American institutions of higher education began imposing “speech codes” and related policies on students, faculty, and staff. But twenty years have now passed since the speech code movement erupted in the late 1980s. So it is a good time to assess the status of this movement and its implications for higher education.

Submitted by Yahui on Tue, 05/15/2007 - 7:24pm. read more
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