ARCHIVE - Emily's blog en ARCHIVE - More monkeys <p>Anyone interested in the deWaal articles, here is a recent article from the Times <br /></p><p><a href=""></a><br /><a href="" title="chimp"></a></p> Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:19:18 -0700 Emily 57 at ARCHIVE - About our class disscussion last night. . . <p>The video that we watched in class was built entirely on the premis that all human beings on earth are more alike than unlike eachother. I don&#39;t feel like any racial bias was intentional or malicious. I respect the views of those in class who were concerned about unbalanced racial content, but I&#39;m not convinced that it is relevant enough to the topic at hand to devote significant class time to.</p><p>Let&#39;s talk about racism, injustice, where they come from and how we can change them; but let&#39;s do it from the standpoint of politcs and language. If we pick apart all of our material like this we will miss the information it is trying to convey. (Last night&#39;s video was about EP, not the paradigm of power in race) </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:32:33 -0700 Emily 44 at ARCHIVE - Vulgarity, Bullying, and Freedom of Speech <p> I&#39;m not familiar with the politics of blogging, but apparently there is a big debate going on about whether editing threatening language and vulgarity out of the visitor&#39;s comments section of your blog is censorship or responsible management. Here is a link to an article in today&#39;s New York Times where you can read all about it.</p><p><a href=";th&amp;emc=th" title="nyt">Click here for NYT Article.</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p> Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:57:53 -0700 Emily 34 at