ARCHIVE - Tabitha Brown's blog en ARCHIVE - My concept maps <p>Rick,</p><p>My internet crashed at home so I am using the piloted internet from a friend&#39;s laptop outside the (now closed) computer lab. I have four concept maps that I could not figure out how to convert to importable documents, or Windows wouldn&#39;t let me. I thought about leaving them outside yer office but that&#39;s closed too!</p><p>I guess I will stop by tomorrow and slip them under your door. Then I will try to contact you to see if you got them. Thanks.</p><p>-Tabitha</p><p> </p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 22:11:14 -0700 Tabitha Brown 207 at ARCHIVE - Creation for Scientists <p><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-family: Verdana">I already posted this, but I accidentally made it a comment on my other blog post. So here it is again: </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-family: Verdana">For anyone interested in recent developments in the debate over evolution at the university level, this site is frequently visited by professors and big heads and such. You can learn about their battles and internal politics over tenure and encroachments made on curricula. For instance, there&#39;s this debate over a book recently published by Micheal Behe, an ID (Intelligent Design) guy you need to watch out for. Keep in mind, natural selection is assumed to be a current reality by almost everyone blogging on this site: <u> </u></span><span style="font-size: 7.5pt; font-family: Verdana"><a href=""></a></span></p> Tue, 05 Jun 2007 15:28:36 -0700 Tabitha Brown 167 at ARCHIVE - Science for Creationists <p>There&#39;s this crazy new museum opening in Petersburg, Kentucky. It&#39;s elaborately designed and constructed in part by the guy who did all that stuff for Jurassic Park, but devoted in full to the &quot;science&quot; behind Genesis-- that is, the Earth&#39;s entire natural and anthropological history of 6,000 years. Check it out:</p><p>&#160;</p><p><a href=""></a></p><p>&#160;</p> Tue, 05 Jun 2007 15:22:35 -0700 Tabitha Brown 166 at ARCHIVE - Great class tonight <p>I just want to say I really enjoyed seeing everybody present. Hope you all have super summers! </p> Tue, 05 Jun 2007 14:40:53 -0700 Tabitha Brown 161 at ARCHIVE - Virginia <p>I like the things we talked about today (almost yesterday??) in class. </p><p>This is what a wonderful man, and friend of mine from Evergreen, Allan Hill said in respnse to a TESC email posting by some guy named Tom Foote with regards to the Virginia killings: </p><p> &#39;Yes Tom, I whole-heartedly agree with you, as I linger on every strenuous word<br />you speak. I also think that in order to speak of this current horror in our<br />academic community, we would have to re-define our language, except for the fact<br />that as a country, ˜we ran the store dry&quot; on 9/11. All our metaphors to<br />describe the spectrum of human emotions and conditions like emotional<br />separation, physical shock, deep psychic scars, loss of community and the list<br />continues, were all taken, on September 11th, and continue to be taken, as we<br />speak, at VTI and in Iraq. I think that as a nation, even though there was an<br />ocean of immediate support from all areas of life during 9/11 and right after,<br />that spiritual and physical support only cauterized our language. I continue to<br />believe that ˜with time,&quot; we will once again own our words, but only in<br />constant fear of having to lose them again.&#39;</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Wed, 18 Apr 2007 23:27:43 -0700 Tabitha Brown 66 at