ARCHIVE - The Language of Politics blogs en ARCHIVE - Paper on poetics of place <a href="">Here it is.</a> Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:17:33 -0700 Rick 211 at ARCHIVE - My 'Are you for RU 486? Are you euphoric?' project appears to be impossible to open as an attachment. <font face="times new roman,times" size="3"> Wait and wait, it still won&#39;t open. The government&#39;s representative here on earth wins again.</font><font face="times new roman,times" size="3"> Academia rules. Academia is mind control. Very sneaky technique.<br /></font> Sun, 10 Jun 2007 16:28:18 -0700 gar russo 210 at ARCHIVE - My concept maps <p>Rick,</p><p>My internet crashed at home so I am using the piloted internet from a friend&#39;s laptop outside the (now closed) computer lab. I have four concept maps that I could not figure out how to convert to importable documents, or Windows wouldn&#39;t let me. I thought about leaving them outside yer office but that&#39;s closed too!</p><p>I guess I will stop by tomorrow and slip them under your door. Then I will try to contact you to see if you got them. Thanks.</p><p>-Tabitha</p><p> </p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 22:11:14 -0700 Tabitha Brown 207 at ARCHIVE - Perceptions of Homelessness <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here is my final project. There are two concept maps and a short text attached. </p><p>And now for some well substantiated words from a wise man: <a href="" target="_blank" title="And now for some well substantiated words from a wise man"></a> </p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 20:08:07 -0700 Mark Sine 206 at ARCHIVE - My project: Iran's Nuclear Ambitions <p><font size="3">Here&#39;s my overview since it won&#39;t work as an attachment:</font></p><font size="2"><p>Overview of Maps:</p><p>The two maps that I composed capture the two leading oppositional arguments of the Iranian nuclear acquisition conflict. The first, &quot;The West&#39;s point of view&quot;, outlines the reasons why the west, led by the United States, is antagonistic to any type of Iranian enrichment program. Even if the Iranians claim the project to be peaceful, the argument follows, by their very nature they are likely to ignore rationality or negotiations and still pursue the &quot;weaponization&quot; of nuclear material. While this may very well be the case (as outlined in the other map, &quot;Iran&#39;s point of view&quot;), the west&#39;s argument is that this would pose a serious threat to the &quot;global community&quot;. What they mean by &quot;global community&quot;, or the west, is essentially the international order developed by 500 years of imperialism. Today nuclear diplomacy is one of the main avenues through which today&#39;s &quot;global community&quot; pursue&#39;s its imperial ambitions. However, this &quot;global community&quot;, for relatively obvious reasons, does not put it&#39;s argument in those terms. At an essentialist level, the west&#39;s argument is based on the discourse of orientalism, which characterizes the &#39;oriental&#39;, in this case the Iranian, as a child-like/unrational being who only responds to aggression or material reward. At a particularist level, the west&#39;s argument centers around Iran&#39;s obvious &quot;anti-American&quot;/&quot;anti-Israeli&quot; sentiment, without providing an argument that delineates from its essentialist portrayal of the &#39;oriental&#39; and his relgion, Islam. These arguments, though largely unproven, set the stage for UN Security Council sanctions and possible war. On the other side of the coin, Iran&#39;s claims that its intentions are &quot;peaceful&quot; are just as deceiving. Don&#39;t believe that Iran only wants nuclear energy; it already has enough oil to power it&#39;s economy for years to come, and because of this wouldn&#39;t spend so much time on the nuclear issue if it was just for energy. Rather, Iran wants a nuclear weapon so that the West has to engage it diplomatically rather than militarily. In this sense, Iran could point to the west&#39;s differentiated dealings with fellow &quot;Axis of Evil&quot; countries, North Korea and Iraq.</p></font><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 16:51:45 -0700 Nate Midgley 204 at ARCHIVE - Framing Freedom: Final Project <p>Hi,</p><p>Here is my final project work. The powerpoint presentation is too large to post here so I will just post all the slides as individual attachments. It seems the pictures are first, then the mindmpaps, then my paper, called &quot;Framing Freedom.doc.&quot;</p><p> Thanks for a great quarter!  -AWO <br /></p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 16:24:20 -0700 Andrew Olmsted 202 at ARCHIVE - Final Project <p>So here is my final project. I have attached the maps to this post. If you would prefer to see it embeded in a word document and attached I can do that. </p><p>and don&#39;t forge to read the footnotes. </p><p>you&#39;ll notice there is no discussion or conclusion section.. I did that on purpose.</p><p style="margin-left: -9pt; text-align: center" class="MsoNormal" align="center">It was nice having class with y&#39;all- I would love to recieve comments but the quarter is pretty much over so I understand...<br /><br /><br /><font size="3">Hate Speech Codes in the U.S: Freedom, Power, and Political Correctness on College Campuses<br /></font></p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Fri, 08 Jun 2007 00:38:12 -0700 Carmella Fleming 200 at ARCHIVE - the language of television another try... Thu, 07 Jun 2007 22:31:47 -0700 zoe 199 at ARCHIVE - Should School Administrators Impose Constraints on Free Speech? Attached is my final report. Thu, 07 Jun 2007 21:38:13 -0700 Yahui 198 at ARCHIVE - part of my project : the language of television <p>I did one map, but I am having a lot of trouble putting on the webpage.I tried to attach, but it would not work, I tried to paste, it did not work, I am not sure what to do...</p> Thu, 07 Jun 2007 21:26:54 -0700 zoe 197 at