Published on The Language of Politics (http://www2.evergreen.edu/languageofpolitics)

Hillary, where did you get that money?

By Donna Lee
Created 2007-05-30 09:06
I am responding to the piece on Hillary Clinton taking campaign money from terrorist sources. It is a no brainer to realize that campaign funding sources should be thoroughly checked out. I do have a question though...Who is defining these contributors as terrorist-tied? The article stated that the gentleman was a Palestinian business man. Did she know better? Probably, however how many of us would not take money for something we want and not be concerned who the giver was tied to? Should she know better?  Hell yes! She was not in the White House with Bill and experiencing all of the investigative times for him to gain the presidential seat without knowing exactly what to say or do in certain situations. She is also an attorney and therefore very accustomed to a percentage of double-speak. In the courtroom it is all about how things are said and not as important what is said sometimes. Having a full command of the english language and a great staff, she would be able to skate through quite a few things that could raise some people's eyebrows.  

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