Published on The Language of Politics (http://www2.evergreen.edu/languageofpolitics)

Women Organizing Against Sexism Potluck

By Carmella Fleming
Created 2007-04-11 09:33
2007-04-16 06:00
It's time for another women's potluck. Please feel free to forward
this announcement to others to help get the word out.

Women Organizing Against Sexism Potluck
Monday, April 16
225 Milroy NW, Olympia

Let's share food, stories, support and resources for those who
experience sexism in Olympia organizing. It has also been proposed to
discuss the possibility of organizing a Mother's Day action.

Please bring vegetarian food to share if you can and please make this
meeting open to everyone by keeping it fragrance-free. This is a
genderqueer and trans-inclusive event.

Children welcome and childcare provided.

I hope to see you there. Tell your friends!

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