Published on The Language of Politics (http://www2.evergreen.edu/languageofpolitics)


By admin
Created 2007-01-02 14:40
Week 1: What is language? (Background)
  1. Pinker: Language Acquisition [1]
Week 2:
  1. Cosmides & Tooby: Evolutionary Psychology: A Primer [2]
  2. Dunbar: The Social Brain Hypothesis [3]
Week 3:
  1. Lehman, et. al: Psychology and Culture [4]
  2. de Waal: Chimpanzee Politics [5]
  3. Heylighen: Memes and the Evolution of Cooperation [6]
    This file contains two articles. The first is an review of some of the material we covered during the second class. The second article introduces the notion of "memes" and the role they might play in shaping social interactions.
Week 4:
  1. Grice: Logic and Conversation [7]
  2. Masip, et al.: Defining Deception [8]
  3. Frankfurt: On Bullshit [9]
Week 5:
  1. Wilson & Sperber: Linguistic Form and Relevance [10]
  2. Wilson & Sperber: Relevance Theory [11]
Week 6:
  1. Lakoff: Simple Framing [12]
  2. Rockridge Institute: The Strategic Framing Overview [13]
  3. Pinker: Block That Metaphor! [14]
Week 7:
  1. Kenny: Identity Politics [15]
  2. Mandle: How Political is the Personal? [16]
Week 8:
  1. tba [16]
Week 9:
  1. tba [16]
Week 10:
  1. tba [16]

Bonus Readings:

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