Published on The Language of Politics (http://www2.evergreen.edu/languageofpolitics)


By admin
Created 2007-01-02 14:42

Language and Capitalism [1]
Studies in Language and Capitalism is a peer-reviewed online journal that seeks to promote and freely distribute interdisciplinary critical inquiries into the language and meaning of contemporary capitalism and the links between economic, social and linguistic change in the world around us.

DIYmedia [2]
Truthful Translations of Political Speech Or, "What they really meant when they said that."

People's Guide to the Telecommunications Act of 2006 [3]
An excellent overview of what's at stake in wholesale national telecommunications reform, courtesy of the Alliance for Community Media.

MediaChannel.org [4]
Clearinghouse for thousands of media issues groups around the globe; run by News Dissector Danny Schecter.

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) [5]
Progressive media watchdog meticulously documents the misuse of corporate and government influence in the media.

Media Matters for America [6]
An effort to "document and correct conservative misinformation in each news cycle." Ambitious as hell.

Harold Feld's Tales of the Sausage Factory [7]
Attorney for the Media Access Project dishes dirt about working the telecom beat in D.C.

News Hounds [8]
"We watch FOX so you don't have to."

Media Monitors Network [9]
Fact-checking controversial stories as they flow through the media environment.

MediaLens [10]
"Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media."

Home of thoughtful analysis of all things media, with a penchant for empowering people to speak for themselves.

Lying Media Bastards [12]
"Focus[ed] on our media-marinated world, political lies, corporate tyranny, and the folks fighting the good fight against these monsters."

TV News Lies [13]
Repository of information on the vapidity and spin of corporate television.

Orwell Rolls in His Grave [14]
"The consummate critical [video] examination of the Fourth Estate."

Media For Democracy 2004 [15]
"A non-partisan citizens' initiative to monitor mainstream news coverage of the 2004 elections and advocate fair, democratic and issue-oriented standards of reporting."

Take Back the Media!
[16]Progressive-leaning web site is a deep resource of information on corporate control of the media, including information on how to recognize and resist its dangers.

Facts and Myths about IBOC-DAB [17]
Debunks many industry talking-points about "HD Radio."

Election News Watchdog [18]
Keep a scorecard of the amount of election coverage you see locally; you may be surprised at what you find.

We the Blog [19]
"In order to form a more artistic Union" - critiques on media and consumption.

Hear Us Now [20]
Consumers Union portal on "communications choice."

Corporate Media Portal
"A repository of information about Corporatized Media."

Freedom House: Press Freedom Survey [22]
Conducted yearly.

CertiMedia.org [23]
European attempt to create an "ISAS BC 9001 'quality standard'" in a globalized media industry.

Independent-media.tv [24]
Tracks underreported stories and showcases people and events in the independent media world.

Atwood's Ghost [25]
The ghosts of journalists past are resurrected to critique the media in Madison, Wisconsin.

Radio Broadcast
[26]Veterans of the radio business expose the unscrupulous practices of the industry

The FCC and Community Radio Stations
[27]The site of Lonnie Kobres, a patriot broadcaster who has the distinction of being the only man in the United States to "serve time" for unlicensed broadcasting.

KZND LPFM Stress Test
[28]A licensed low power FM station in Alaska provides real-world proof that there's more room on the dial than you think.

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