Week 8  Friday Study Questions on Wegner II



Each  member of the small groups should briefly indicate what they found most striking in the reading; the group as a whole should ultimately formulate a question for full seminar.



Q1.In chapter 7 Wegner describes a variety of unusual phenomena.  How does he see his “self-induction” theory as providing an explanation of this phenomena that takes a  middle position between the trance and faking positions that have been advanced by others.  


Q2 Wegner describes cases of DID (dissociative identity disorder, aka multiple personality)  What does Wegner conclude (p.263)  How does that lead him to discuss virtual agency? What does Wegner mean by “virtual agency” or imaginatry agents in the chapter 7,  how does that lead him to the “fabrication” theory of the (virtual) self?  (p. 263)



Q3   Chapter 8. discusses the phenomena of hypnosis.  What verifiable aspects of hypnosis did you find most surprising or unexpected?  Discuss the Neukomm case (p. 289) and its relationship to Stanley Milgram’s Obedience to scientific authority experiment (p. 291-2).  What interests Wegner most about these cases

Q4  Wegner presents two types of  theories to explain hypnosis: trance theories and social cognition theories (p. 300f)   What strengths and weakness does he see in each?  How does he see his theory of “apparent mental causation” (see figure 8.7)    (which he acknowledge not to be a “complete theory”) as providing an alternative (extracting elements from each of the two types of explanatory theory)? (p. 305 f)?  How does it lead to his discussion of “circular influence” and a “suggested society.” (p. 313).  What, if anything does his approach suggest about cults?


Q5  Why does Wegner characterize his theory as suggesting that conscious will is an “epiphenomenon.” (p. 318). Why does he think that his idea that conscious will is an emotion of authorship—p 325) (or the “somatic marker of personal authorship”, p. 327) provide an intermediate position in the false dichotomy of free will and determinism ( the  ”bad scientist” and the “robogeek”)?  Do you agree with his (compatiblist) claims on this topic.  If so, why?  If not, why not?

Q6 What does Wegner see as the legal and moral implication of his view?  What does he have in mind when he speaks of conscious will as a ”hint” at mental causation.(p. 333), and how does it relate to :”religious” and legal free will theories (p 336)? In particular, how does his account lead him to say that “ personal responsibility can’t be founded only on self-reports of will.” (p338) How does this relate to his interpretation of  Asimov’s  Three Laws of  Robotics” and his conclusion that this interpretation “helps us make sense of the moral role of intention and will in human beings (p. 340)?  Does this move resurrect a legitimate notion of voluntary action and moral responsibility? Do you buy his conclusion (p. 342) that the illusion of conscious will makes us human.