APA-EndNote Instructions

Jacque Ensign


Use this link from syllabus at top of required reading list to get detailed rules and examples of APA in papers:

*American Psychological Association’s documentation and format style:




For integration papers and all submissions related to your conference paper (including your research log), you are required to use APA for references. For the integration papers, do only references in APA – do not do a title page or running heads. Again, see the APA link for detailed examples of how to do in-text citations and how to do bibliographies. Another great model is Rogoff’s book as she uses APA for all her citations. I usually find it easiest to use a good model to be sure I’ve included all the required details and done all the correct punctuation and capitalization.


EndNote makes this entire process MUCH easier.

1). Write your paper in Word, then (either as you are writing if you have EndNote on your own computer or later if using the computer lab), go to EndNote while you are in Word.


2). You’ll need to have entered all the required APA items for each reference.


3). Now, be sure you have EndNote set for APA 5th.


4). Within your Word document, wherever you want to add an in-text citation, highlight that reference in EndNote, then within Word go to Tools/EndNote/Insert Selected Citation. EndNote automatically inserts both your in-text citation AND starts creating your bibliography!!! That’s IT!!


This takes somewhat of a learning curve but once you’ve got it, it makes all papers a cinch to write in APA. Give yourself some time to learn EndNote for this first integration paper and after that, it literally takes you only seconds if you have been adding all your references as you go along.