Conference Paper Introduction Rubric

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Faculty reader:



Introduction(2-3 pages)


Begin with a rationale or explanation about why the topic is important and worth researching. Provide a literature base, as opposed to a critique of the research, for exploring the topic. In the introduction, define your terms and abbreviations, as appropriate, and state the limitations you are placing on your research.


   3   The introduction provides all of the following:

     · A succinct explanation of the importance of the topic.

     ·   A discussion and balanced overview (not skewed towards one point-of-view) of the importance of the topic to the educational community.

     ·   A description of existing controversies or conflicts that your paper will address.

     ·   A statement of limits of the scope of your research.

     ·   Clear definition of terms and abbreviations.


   2   The introduction provides only the following:

     ·   An explanation of the personal relevance of the problem.

     ·   A discussion of the relevance to the professional community based on your opinion, not the professional literature.

     ·   General references to the literature but with few APA citations.

     ·   A partially developed description of existing controversies and conflicts or a skewed presentation of the current status of the problem.

     ·   An incomplete literature-based discussion of the importance of the topic to the educational community.

     ·   Definition of terms and abbreviations and statement of limits.


   1   The introduction is based on personal opinion with little or no reference to the literature

     and to existing conflicts and controversies. Definitions of terms are not provided.