Master in Teaching Program,  Year One EALR Self-Assessment


Your name:

Your endorsement area(s):


Select the 5 EALRs that are most central to your endorsement area(s) and complete the following chart.

EALR:  the exact wording of the EALR


You can find the EALRs and their components at:

Describe this EALR, using your own words  or, if you prefer take representative selections from the benchmarks or GLEs/"evidences of learning" that communicate the essence of this EALR. Before describing the EALR be sure to review all the components as well as the  GLEs or benchmarks –  which will require reading the corresponding GLE's or benchmarks on the  OSPI website.

You can find the GLEs and benchmarks at:

Preparation: list specific experiences: coursework, informal learning, job experience, etc. that have prepared you to teach this EALR content

Self-assessment – i. very prepared,     ii..sufficiently prepared,            iii. need more preparation


If  iii, briefly describe an improvement strategy

Reading EALR 1

The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.

·           Use word recognition strategies, vocabulary building and wide reading experience to build reading fluency – at grade 7 this means that students should, among other things use dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries to find or confirm word meanings, pronunciations, syllabication, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, and/or clarify shades
of meaning Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words.

·           Use abstract, derived root words, prefixes, and suffixes from Greek and Latin to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., expose, exposition).

·           Integrate new vocabulary from informational/expository text and literary/narrative text, including text from a variety of cultures and communities, into written and oral communication


36 cr literature

including multicultural literature; I have studied Greek and Latin within some of my English coursework,


I have not used internet-based dictionaries or thesauruses – I would like to become familiar with those over the next year by using them in my own reading.