Master in Teaching Program, Year One EALR Self-Assessment For Writing


Your name:

Your endorsement area(s):


Complete the following chart.

Due Week 2 of Winter Quarter

EALR: the exact wording of the EALR


You can find the EALRs and their components at:

EALR Links

Describe this EALR, using your own words or, if you prefer take representative selections from the benchmarks or GLEs/"evidences of learning" that communicate the essence of this EALR. Before describing the EALR be sure to review all the components as well as the GLEs or benchmarks – which will require reading the corresponding GLE's or benchmarks on the OSPI website.

You can find the GLEs and benchmarks at:

Preparation: list specific experiences: coursework, informal learning, job experience, etc. that have prepared you to teach this EALR

Self-assessment – i. very prepared, ii..sufficiently prepared, iii. need more preparation


If iii, briefly describe an improvement strategy

The student writes clearly and effectively.




The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.


  • To meet this standard, the student will:
  • Write for different audiences.
  • Write for different purposes, such as telling stories, presenting analytical responses to literature, persuading, conveying technical information, completing a team project, and explaining concepts and procedures.
  • Write in a variety of forms, including narratives, journals, poems, essays, stories, research reports, and technical writing.
  • Write for career applications.



The student understands and uses the steps of the writing process.

  • To meet this standard, the student will:
  • Pre-write—generate ideas and gather information.
  • Draft—elaborate on a topic and supporting ideas.
  • Revise—collect input and enhance text and style.
  • Edit—use resources to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage.
  • Publish—select a publishing form and produce a completed writing project to share with chosen audience.



The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.