Health and Fitness
Essential Academic Learning Requirements

1. The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain an active life: movement, physical fitness, and nutrition.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1. Develop fundamental and complex movement skills as developmentally appropriate.
1.2. Safely participate in a variety of developmentally appropriate physical activities.
1.3. Understand the concepts of health-related physical fitness and develop and monitor progress on personal fitness goals.
1.4. Understand the relationship of nutrition and food nutrients to physical performance and body composition.

2. The student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a healthy life: recognize patterns of growth and development, reduce health risks, and live safely.
To meet this standard, the student will:

2.1. Recognize patterns of growth and development.
2.2. Understand the concept of control and prevention of disease.
2.3. Acquire skills to live safely and reduce health risks.

3. The student analyzes and evaluates the impact of real-life influences on health.
To meet this standard, the student will:

3.1. Understand how environmental factors affect one’s health (air, water, noise, chemicals).
3.2. Gather and analyze health information.
3.3. Use social skills to promote health and safety in a variety of situations.
3.4. Understand how emotions influence decision-making.

4. The student effectively analyzes health and safety information to develop health and fitness plans based on life goals.
To meet this standard, the student will:

4.1. Analyze health and safety information.
4.2. Develop a health and fitness plan and a monitoring system.