Essential Academic Learning Requirements

1. The student understands and applies the concepts and procedures of mathematics.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from number sense—number and numeration, computation, and estimation.
1.2. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from measurement—attributes and dimensions, approximation and precision, and systems and tools.
1.3. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from geometric sense—properties and relationships and locations and transformations.
1.4. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from probability and statistics— probability, statistics, and prediction and inference.
1.5. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from algebraic sense—patterns, representations, and operations.

2. The student uses mathematics to define and solve problems.
To meet this standard, the student will:

2.1. Investigate situations by searching for patterns and using a variety of approaches.
2.2. Formulate questions and define the problem.
2.3. Construct solutions by organizing the necessary information and using appropriate mathematical tools.

3. The student uses mathematical reasoning.
To meet this standard, the student will:

3.1. Analyze information from a variety of sources; use models, known facts, patterns and relationships to validate thinking.
3.2. Predict results and make conjectures based on analysis of problem situations.
3.3. Draw conclusions and verify results—support mathematical arguments, justify results, and check for reasonableness of solutions.

4. The student communicates knowledge and understanding in both everyday and mathematical language.
To meet this standard, the student will:

4.1. Gather information—read, listen, and observe to access and extract mathematical information.
4.2. Organize and interpret information.
4.3. Represent and share information—express and explain mathematical ideas using language and notation in ways appropriate for audience and purposes.

5. The student understands how mathematical ideas connect within mathematics, other subject areas, and real-life situations.
To meet this standard, the student will:

5.1. Relate concepts and procedures within mathematics—use conceptual and procedural understandings among content strands and use equivalent models and representations.
5.2. Relate mathematical concepts and procedures to other disciplines—identify and use mathematical patterns, thinking, and modeling in other subject areas.
5.3. Relate mathematical concepts and procedures to real-life situations—understand the connections between mathematics and problem-solving skills used every day at work and at home.