Reading—Grades 9–10


In ninth and tenth grades, reading is purposeful and automatic. Readers are aware of comprehension and vocabulary strategies being employed especially when encountering difficult text and/or reading for a specific purpose. They continue to increase their content and academic vocabulary. Oral and written responses analyze and/or synthesize information from multiple sources to deepen understanding of the content .Readers have greater ability to make connections and adjust understandings as they gain knowledge. They challenge texts, drawing on evidence from their own experience and wide reading. Students continue to read for pleasure.


EALR 1: The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.

Note: Each grade-level expectation assumes the student is reading grade-level text. Since reading is a process, some grade-level indicators and evidences of learning apply to multiple grade-levels. What changes is the text complexity as students move through the grade-levels.


Component 1.2 Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text.


1.2.2 Apply strategies to comprehend words and ideas.


Component 1.3 Build vocabulary through wide reading.


1.3.2 Understand and apply content/academic vocabulary critical to the meaning of the text, including vocabularies relevant to different contexts, cultures, and communities. W

EALR 2: The student understands the meaning of what is read.


Component 2.1 Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension.


2.1.3 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies during and after reading: determine importance using theme, main idea, and supporting details in grade-level informational/expository text and/or literary/narrative text. W


2.1.4 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: use prior knowledge.


2.1.5 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: synthesize ideas from selections to make predictions and inferences. W


2.1.6 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: monitor for meaning, create mental images, and generate and answer questions.


2.1.7 Apply comprehension monitoring strategies for informational and technical materials, complex narratives, and expositions: determine importance and summarize the text. W


Component 2.2 Understand and apply knowledge of text components to comprehend text.


2.2.2 Apply understanding of complex organizational features of printed text and electronic sources. W


2.2.3 Analyze story elements. W


2.2.4 Apply understanding of text organizational structures.


Component 2.3 Expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information and ideas in literary and informational text.


2.3.1 Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text for similarities and differences and cause and effect relationships. W


2.3.2 Evaluate informational materials, including electronic sources, for effectiveness.


2.3.3 Evaluate the use of literary devices to enhance comprehension. W


2.3.4 Synthesize information from a variety of sources.


Component 2.4 Think critically and analyze author’s use of language, style, purpose, and perspective in literary and informational text.


2.4.1 Analyze informational/expository text and literary/narrative text to draw conclusions and develop insights. W


2.4.2 Analyze author’s purpose and evaluate an author’s style of writing to influence different audiences. W


2.4.3 Analyze and evaluate text for validity and accuracy. W


2.4.4 Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the author’s use of persuasive devices to influence an audience. W


2.4.5 Analyze text to generalize, express insight, or respond by connecting to other texts or situations. W


2.4.6 Analyze and evaluate the presentation and development of ideas and concepts within, among, and beyond multiple texts. W


2.4.7 Analyze and evaluate the reasoning and ideas underlying author’s beliefs and assumptions within multiple texts. W


EALR 3: The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.


Component 3.1 Read to learn new information.


3.1.1 Analyze web-based and other resource materials (including primary sources and secondary sources) for relevance in answering research questions.


Component 3.2 Read to perform a task.


3.2.2 Apply understanding of complex information, including functional documents, to perform a task.


Component 3.3 Read for career applications.


3.3.1 Apply appropriate reading strategies for interpreting technical and non-technical documents used in job-related settings.


Component 3.4 Read for literary experience in a variety of genres.


3.4.2 Evaluate traditional and contemporary literature written in a variety of genres.


3.4.3 Analyze recurring themes in literature.


3.4.4 Analyze and evaluate the great literary works from a variety of cultures to determine their contribution to the understanding of self, others, and the world.


EALR 4: The student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.


Component 4.1 Assess reading strengths and need for improvement.


4.1.2 Evaluate reading progress and apply goal setting strategies and monitor progress toward meeting reading goals.


Component 4.2 Develop interests and share reading experiences.


4.2.1 Evaluate books and authors to share reading experiences with others.