Social Studies (history, geography, civics, economics, social studies skills)
Essential Academic Learning Requirements

1. The student examines and understands major ideas, eras, themes, developments, turning points, chronology, and cause-effect relationships in United States, world, and Washington State history.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1 Understand and analyze historical time and chronology
1.2 Understand events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping United States, world, and Washington State history
1.3 Examine the influence of culture on United States, world, and Washington State history

2. The student understands the origin and impact of ideas and technological developments on history.
To meet this standard, the student will:

2.1 Compare and contrast ideas in different places, time periods, and cultures, and examine the interrelationships between ideas, change, and conflict
2.2 Understand how ideas and technological developments influence people, culture, and environment


1. The student uses maps, charts, and other geographic tools to understand the spatial arrangement of people, places, resources, and environments on Earth’s surface.
To meet this standard the student will:

1.1 Use and construct maps, charts, and other resources to gather and interpret geographic information
1.2 Recognize spatial patterns on Earth’s surface and understand the processes that create these patterns

2. The student understands the complex physical and human characteristics of places and regions.
To meet these standards, the student will:

2.1 Describe the natural characteristics of places and regions and explain the causes of their characteristics
2.2 Describe the patterns humans make on places and regions
2.3 Identify the characteristics that define the Pacific Northwest and the Pacific Rim as regions

3. The student observes and analyzes the interaction between people, the environment, and culture.
To meet this standard, the student will:

3.1 Identify and examine people’s interaction with and impact on the environment
3.2 Analyze how the environment and environmental changes affect people
3.3 Examine cultural characteristics, transmission, diffusion and interaction

1. The student understands and can explain the core values and democratic principles of the United States as set forth in foundational documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1 Understand and interpret the major ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other foundational documents
1.2 Examine key ideals of United States democracy such as individual human dignity, liberty, justice, equality, and the rule of law
1.3 Examine representative government and citizen participation

2. The student analyzes the purposes and organization of government and laws.
To meet this standard, the student will:

2.1 Understand and explain the organization of government at the federal, state, and local level including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
2.2 Understand the function and effect of law
2.3 Compare and contrast democracies with other forms of government

3. The student understands the purposes and organization of international relationships and how United States foreign policy is made.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1 Understand how the world is organized politically and how nations interact
1.2 Recognize factors and roles that affect the development of foreign policy by the United States, other nations, and multinational organizations

4. The student understands the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and the principles of democratic civic involvement.
To meet this standard, the student will:

4.1 Understand individual rights and their accompanying responsibilities including problem-solving and decision-making at the local, state, national, and international level
4.2 Identify and demonstrate rights of United States citizenship related to school, local, state, national, and international issues
4.3 Explain how various stakeholders influence public policy

1. Students understand the impact of scarcity on their personal lives and on the households, businesses, governments, and societies in which they are participants.
To meet this standard, the student will:

1.1 Understand that the condition of scarcity requires people to choose among alternatives and bear the consequences of that choice.
1.2 Understand that the availability and use of resources influences the production of goods and services in the economy.

2. Students understand the essential characteristics of past and present economic systems.
To meet this standard, the student will:

2.1 Recognize that both buyers and sellers participate in voluntary trade because both expect to gain.
2.2 Explain how different economic systems produce, distribute, and exchange goods and services.
2.3 Understand that prices in competitive markets create incentives that influence the choices of buyers and sellers.
2.4 Understand that investment in people, tools, and technology affects employment levels and standards of living.

3. Students understand the role of government and institutions in past and present economic systems.
To meet this standard, the student will:

3.1 Analyze the role of government as participant in an economy through taxation, spending, and policy setting.
3.2 Understand the role of money, banking, and financial institutions and how individuals and businesses use them.

Social Studies Skills

1. Inquiry and Information Skills
2. Interpersonal and Group Process Skills
3. Critical Thinking Skills