TITLE: Constructing a Tetrahedron |
CONTENT AREAS (What areas of mathematics does this lesson cover?): Geometry |
MATERIALS NEEDED: Compasses, Tape, Measuring Tape or Rulers, Calculators, Craft Paper, Markers, Scissors, Glue sticks |
KEY CONCEPTS: Vocabulary, Angle measure and 3-D space awareness pertaining to the equilateral triangle and the tetrahedron, Prep for Planar Geometry Constructions, Measurement, Algebraic reasoning: applying relationships derived from measurement to algebraic functions |
EALR'S and GLE'S (Make the connections clear and specific) : Requirement 1, “The student understands and applies the concepts and procedures of mathematics” subheading GLE 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 for the 9 th and 10 th Grade level require similar understandings as are practiced in this lesson. |
Learning Goals: Students will be able to write about or explain the geometric concepts that a circle can be used to construct an equilateral triangle and that an equilateral triangle is composed of four smaller equilateral triangle which provides the number of faces needed for a tetrahedron.(What do you expect students to learn and be able to do from this lesson.) |
PROCEDURES: (Label each step in the process: Activating Prior Knowledge, Disequilibration, Elaboration, Crystallization)
Accomodation Plan: 1.race/ethnicity : students background exposure will hopefully be divulged in the introduction. Examples that may exist in the real world will be valuable to the whole class. 2.language: The use of manipulative and visual props is intended to make the project possible for student who are English Language Learners. Each student would have time to express their ability to do the project and even with a language difference, teacher and student could communicate through observation of the construction process and object produced. 3.gender: Students will have the opportunity to do the work of the lesson and express their learning in a variety of modalities and styles. The teacher will be attentive to status issues among the group(s), and support the student’s individualized ways of learning. Students will be given equal access to all the tools of the project. 4.class: In the event of student’s inability to do the activity, various examples of the process along the development of the construction will be available, and students will be able to return to the activity when they like. |
POST-ASSESSMENT : Students will need to provide a representation of the ideas covered in the lesson (written, drawn, displayed visually, explained verbally, or as mathematic expression). |