Stacee Anderson
Kellee Pokaka’a
January 22, 2007
Math Lesson Plan
TITLE: How Does Your Box Measure Up? |
CONTENT AREAS (What areas of mathematics does this lesson cover?): Understanding the concept of volume and surface area. |
GRADE LEVEL: 6 th grade
MATERIALS NEEDED: Handout, one box per 3-4 students, one ruler or tape measure, a few pieces of square candy (Starbursts)
KEY CONCEPTS: Estimation and measurement of surface area and volume.
EALR'S and GLE'S (Make the connections clear and specific)
EALR— 1.2. Understand and apply concepts and procedures from measurement. Understand the concepts of and the relationships among perimeter, area, and volume and how changes in one dimension affect perimeter, area, and/or volume.
GLE 1.2.1 Understand the concepts of volume and extend the concept of area to surface area of rectangular prisms. W · Represent the volume for given rectangular prisms using pictures or models. [CU] · Describe and provide examples for surface area measurement (e.g., gift wrapping, painting a room, amount of material needed to build a box). [MC] · Explain and give examples of how the area and surface area are related (e.g., surface area is the sums of the areas of all the sides of a rectangular prism). [CU, MC] · Describe and compare the use of area and volume (e.g., covering and filling). [CU]
Learning Goals: (What do you expect students to learn and be able to do from this lesson.)
PROCEDURES: (Label each step in the process: Activating Prior Knowledge, Disequilibration, Elaboration, Crystallization)
Accomodation Plan: Note how the following are accommodated in lesson (race/ethnicity, language, gender, class) Each must include reference to Trentacosta text.
1.race/ethnicity: Boxes should be reflective of different cultures and ethnicity.
2.language: I will make sure the language and terms used are understood by all. If I have ELL’s I will make sure tutors are available to help them understand the lesson.
3.gender: Call on equal number of girls as boys. Be aware of “dominant” voices.
4.class: Show sensitivity to class issues that may arise when discussing manufacturing.
POST-ASSESSMENT ( How does your post assessment evaluate progress toward learning goals and EALRs and GLEs)
I will note students understanding of volume and surface area as they work in groups. Also, assessment will be made from worksheets handed in.
TEACHER REFLECTION (What went well, what would you do differently?)