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Lecture Notes, Foundations of Public Administration,

Week 5



Announce that we will collect papers in seminar

Announce readings for next class: no Box reading, show Vile book, Iroquois readings on-line from syllabus

Announce that groups will turn in assignment #3 to their group's faculty advisor only, assignment #4 goes to both faculty, evaluations of the other people in your group are to be mailed to both faculty by Friday, December 8 th.

5 th week review

Tonight, we are going to put Shafritz to bed for the quarter. Not to be seen again until winter quarter. So, let's conduct a review of what we have read so far. You will break off into small groups and respond to the readings using this handout. We will review the readings within the concepts of culture and power. Click here to view the handout.

Power :

power is defined as the capacity of individuals, groups, policies or norms to influence behaviors, attitudes, identities or outcomes. Socially constructed power comes from norms, values, stereotypes and prejudices being levied either against or in favor of one group or another. To socially construct is to create, convert or define typologies of social roles and peoples and thereby affix these ideologies to them on a grand scale. Power structures , “…the cultural values and social arrangements that become institutionalized are those with which the dominant groups in the society are strongly identified, since these groups have the power to make their convictions prevail and enforce the relevant social norms.” (Blau, 1975, p. 276)

1) power is relational- I only have it if others recognize my power, (those who exercise power vs. recipients of power)- does not have to be used- bank robber with a gun. 2) power can be used regardless of compliance, 3) power is not a possession- I may have power in one situation, but not in another.

Potential power : the possibility of future sanctions.

Latent power : those who have the means for sanctions, but abstain from using them.

Non-decision making : not making a decision is a decision

Bachrach & Baratz- “Two Faces of Power”

First face - whether a group or person has the power to directly influence elected officials, decisions, policy outputs or agency behavior.

Second face - power to keep issues off the agenda- power to influence through indirect means- determining the policy agenda

John Gaventa

Third face - dominant ideologies shape belief systems and preclude the recognition of issues- influence the perceptions, needs, wants of others. Mobilization of Bias - power is not isolated- L.A. riots- the Rodney King beating quickly became not in the hands of those individuals involved- outsiders became involved based upon how they viewed the situation being portrayed- this outside audience did not enter the fray randomly, but with their own perceptions, needs, wants, ideologies, etc.

Culture : power is the backdrop for culture. Culture literally means “to grow in a nutrient medium.” Culture is the behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought as expressed in a particular community or time. We have individual cultures, group cultures, national cultures, organizational cultures, discipline cultures, etc.




Show constitution art book

Draw or write thoughts about the U.S. constitution in groups, in crayon on butcher paper.



