Seminar Paper Information  - Food Politics – section one


For each seminar, you are required to submit a typed [must be 11 or 12 font] paper containing the following information:


In the preface [yes, you were supposed to read it & the introduction], the author discloses working with the government and food industry, as well as her current academic position.   Please include in each of your seminar papers, a short assessment of the author’s ability to stick to her goal of being accurate, balanced and fair.  Was she able to help you understand how food companies manipulate government and essentially what information is disclosed to the public?  For each section, did she fuel your sense of ethics?  Are you incensed?  Sad?  Curious?  Why?



The introduction has two sections:  What is a Healthy Diet? &  Does Diet Matter?  Good questions.  Please answer these questions with your own point of view. 


Section one: Undermining Dietary Advice     After reading this section, please identify two ‘talking points’ based on questions or topics from the reading that have intrigued you; and you would like to have a discussion about them.  Write a few lines outlining your thoughts on the subject, and use quotes with page numbers, to guide the discussion.  Please limit each ‘talking point’ to two paragraphs.