Published on The Shadow of the Enlightenment (http://www2.evergreen.edu/shadow)


By fiksdals
Created 2007-01-19 16:59

The Purpose of Forums:
Our program forum is a place for you to develop your thoughts by synthesizing program materials in your own way. In each part of our program, you will be analyzing and discussing texts. The next step in an interdisciplinary program is to begin making your own connections between texts, lectures, films, and between historical, literary, and sociolinguistic analysis and your French language study. Everything we are doing in the program bears on questions of identity! We will propose a topic each week to help you in this work. The work here is informal in the sense that you may not come to a firm conclusion or present completely well formed ideas; in other words, your entries can be exploratory. The work is formal in the sense that we expect you to use academic discourse (choose good vocabulary, write complete sentences, check your spelling), and develop your ideas so that we can all understand them. Make one entry each week by 5pm Friday, try to limit yourself to 3-4 sentences, and respond to others’ comments if you wish, but do so in a respectful way.

Winter Quarter Forums [0]

Fall Quarter Forums [0]

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