Published on Silk Roads: China, The Middle East, and The New World (http://www2.evergreen.edu/silkroads)

Travel to China

In China we will visit three ancient and contemporary capitals of the Ming, Tang, and Song dynasties: Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou. We will visit legendary historical sites including, hot baths of the precious consort Yang Guifei. We will also work on joint projects with Chinese students.

Identity Writing
TitleAuthorRepliesLast reply
Real Chinese Food (edited by Anna) [0]simonsc02007-04-02 12:28
TitleAuthorRepliesLast reply
Food [0]stieli02007-04-04 17:30
China News [0]stieli02007-04-04 17:27
Farewell Beijing, Hello Xi'an [0]simonsc02007-03-21 17:43
Acrobatics, Flea Market Highlight Day in Beijing [0]simonsc02007-03-21 17:40
More from Beijing [0]diamanth22007-03-17 16:38
Beijing News [0]diamanth02007-03-15 08:25
XML feed [0]

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