Submitted by drupaladmin on Wed, 2006-06-21 12:59.

Social Studies, Culture, Text and Language
The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
Meeting times:
Wed, 6-10p, and Sat, Sept. 30, Oct 14, 28, Nov 11, Dec 2, 2006, 9a-5p
For centuries, the ancient Silk Roads moved ideas and goods between the great civilizations of China, central Asia, India, and the Middle East. From Marco Polo to Genghis Khan to Yo Yo Ma, the Silk Roads have connected empires and fostered the development of music, art, religion and commerce.
Fall quarter, we will explore the historical diffusion of culture, commerce, art and religion along the ancient Silk Roads. Winter quarter, we will focus on the contemporary diffusion of economic activities, goodwill connections and the arts, including music, poetry, literature, film and visual arts between the Silk Roads and the Americas. Our study will also include China and the Middle East. Spring quarter we will examine travel, culture and commerce as peace-making activities culminating in a community arts festival.
Travel options include a three-week winter quarter trip to China and a three-week spring quarter trip to Turkey and Jordan (Turkey in conjunction with Martha Henderson's and Steve Niva's daytime program, Political and Cultural Exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean Landscape: From Bosphorus to Suez). Students who do not participate in the China or Turkey/Jordan trips will do independent travel projects that tie into Silk Road themes. Fall, winter and spring quarters students will design, implement and assess service projects in the community and in K-12 schools
For more information contact Registration at (360) 867-6180, or