Published on Student Originated Studies: Media (http://www2.evergreen.edu/sosmedia)

Anthony: Week 8

By simant05
Created 29 May 2007 - 10:57am


composed the score with my friend chris. i've decided to take his piano score and make the electronic side by sampling it as i do in my own music production. this has felt great so far, it just might work.



filmed quick hospital flashback with Nicola. its gonna take alot of heavy editing to pull off, i'm afraid to look at it.


Up to now:

i read Ben Blankenships recent post and i feel i could easily copy and paste it into my own. i always go through this in every production at this point in the process. recently though ever project i start i'm always convinced i won't end up in the self-loathing section because this time everything is gonna work out right. i'm sure i'll never reach this unless i become completely disinterested with my own filmmaking.


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