Published on Sign, Symbol, Symptom: The Politics of Meaning (http://www2.evergreen.edu/sss)

Additional Readings

By greenea
Created 2006-09-25 15:28

Please download these additional readings.

Link to Kafka's story: "In the Penal Colony":  http://www.mala.bc.ca/~johnstoi/kafka/inthepenalcolony.htm [1]

Please access the following readings by clicking on the links below: 

Readings for Week 3 workshop: "Postmodern Warfare" and "What's so bad about hate?" 

Reading for Week 4 workshop: "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness..." (on Ten Commandments)

Reading for Week 5 Tuesday seminar,  by Danto

Reading for Week 5 Friday: "CH 5 Pierce" by J. Tougas

Reading for Week 6 Wednesday: Headscarf Hysteria

Headscarf hysteria.pdf [2]60.93 KB
Ch5_Peirce.doc [3]166.5 KB
Ten commandments article.pdf [4]8.1 MB
danto.pdf [5]4.56 MB
What is so bad about hate.pdf [6]2.33 MB
Postmodern warfare.pdf [7]1.07 MB

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