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Evergreen Singers
TESC Winter quarter 2009
We, the directors and singers of The Evergreen Singers, agree to work together
to create a learning community as well as a singing ensemble. We agree to
treat each other with respect, tolerance, and compassion. We agree to deal
with conflict in a responsible manner. We agree to abide by the TESC Social
Contract and Student Conduct Code.
We acknowledge that openness and inclusion are core values for this group. We understand that no one is anonymous in this community. We agree to do our best to get to know our fellow musicians and to help all feel welcome. We agree to sign in at every class session and do our best to create an atmosphere of trust and support for all participants.
We understand that this group includes a wide range of experience, skill, and music literacy levels. We agree that music literacy and good singing are not rocket science, and that we all need improvement. We agree to do our best to strengthen our own individual skills and to support the musical growth of those around us. We will not allow ourselves to feel intimidated by those whose skills exceed ours, nor to disdain to those who don't know as much as we do yet.
Faculty responsibilities:
I will do my best to facilitate the highest levels of musicianship and learning
for all participants in The Evergreen Singers.
I will check my voice mail and email at least twice a week and respond promptly
to requests for conferences or information.
I will not pass judgment on students' reasons for missing class.
I will refrain from comparing students to each other.
Singers' Responsibilities:
We agree to exhibit excellent attendance. We understand that the performances
and rehearsals that are scheduled outside regular class time are vitally important
parts of this class. We agree to prioritize attendance at those class meetings
over competing activities. If we must be absent for any reason, we will email
Marla or Tobey and let them know.
We understand that rehearsing choral music involves patient waiting and active
listening as well as singing, and that side conversations must never intrude
on the audibility and concentration of the rehearsal process.
We agree to come to class prepared and to be active participants in all class
We understand that complying with this covenant is a requirement for continued
membership in The Evergreen Singers.
Date: January 8, 2009