Peer Review Survey Responses

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[edit] Biggest fear about giving feedback to others

[edit] I am not competent to give criticism. (17 comments)

  • I will give bad advice
  • I won't be able to think of anything to say
  • Getting off topic
  • My ideas won't be helpful
  • Misguided criticism
  • I will misunderstand their writing
  • Not having a suitable response
  • Biased feedback
  • That I will sound pretentious
  • I will use incorrect grammar
  • It is difficult for me to express what I felt was incorrect in a person's ideas
  • Being completely useless
  • Being wrong in my criticism
  • I am not a good judge of others
  • That I don't know what I'm talking about
  • That I can't be helpful or specific enough
  • Not being concise -- clear and to the point

[edit] They will be offended or hurt. (13 comments)

  • That they will be offended
  • Not wanting to make someone upset
  • Being hated by them
  • They will take offense
  • Generating negativity
  • Review retaliation
  • Not honest
  • That they will be offended
  • That they take it as a personal attack
  • Being taken personally
  • Hurting their feelings
  • That they will take offense
  • Offending them

[edit] They will misunderstand my criticism. (9 comments)

  • They will take constructive criticism as something negative
  • I don't want them to mis-interpret my critiques
  • That the feedback will be misinterpreted
  • That it will be misunderstood
  • That my comments are unclear
  • Them hearing my constructive criticism as too harsh
  • Not understanding what I'm saying
  • That they won't understand what I'm trying to say
  • That they will misunderstand my constructive criticism

[edit] I will be too harsh. (5 comments)

  • Being too harsh about places for improvement
  • I'll be offensive
  • Being too harsh or critical
  • That they can take it
  • Not being tactful; being too blunt

[edit] They will ignore me. (2 comments)

  • They won't agree with it and/or brush it off
  • Resistance of others to hearing how to improve

[edit] Other (1 comment) =

  • Having time to think and thoughtfully respond

[edit] Biggest fear about receiving feedback from others

[edit] I am not confident about my writing. (11 comments)

  • They won't want to give feedback because it needs so much improvement
  • I'm shy, so sharing my thoughts with others is hard
  • Low self esteem
  • My work may turn out not to be as good as I thought
  • I don't like having other people read anything I write
  • Writing a terrible paper and looking stupid
  • That they will think my points aren't good
  • Feeling dumb
  • Exposure of my ideas
  • That I don't know what I'm talking about
  • Being told I was all wrong -- but I wan't to know
  • That people will point out my poor math skills

[edit] Their responses aren't helpful. (11 comments)

  • That they won't take time to think and provide thoughtful responses.
  • Getting off topic
  • That it won't be useful
  • Tangents
  • Getting feedback that is unproductive
  • Comments that are not meaningful
  • That it won't be helpful
  • Ineffectiveness
  • That the feedback won't be sufficient to help me improve
  • People will focus on grammar
  • That they won't respond

[edit] They misunderstood my writing. (6 comments)

  • They won't understand my writing
  • Ineffective communication skills
  • Feeling misunderstood
  • Total lack of understanding
  • They won't understand my ideas
  • That people will misunderstand my writing

[edit] I will be offended. (4 comments)

  • I will take offense
  • Getting mad
  • That I will be offended
  • That I take it too personally

[edit] They will be too harsh. (4 comments)

  • They will be too harsh
  • Harsh or mocking criticism
  • That they will be too harsh
  • Judgemental feedback

[edit] I will misunderstand their responses. (4 comments)

  • I will misunderstand their writing
  • Not understanding them
  • I will not understand what they mean
  • That I won't take the criticism seriously

[edit] That people will not be honest (3 comments)

  • That it will feel forced
  • That they are afraid to be critical
  • That they will sugarcoat things

[edit] Biggest barrier to giving feedback

[edit] Skill (11 comments)

  • Being uncertain about where it's appropriate to share constructive criticism
  • Effectively communicating change that can happen without putting words in someone's mouth
  • I am not confident
  • Finding proper words to portray constructive criticism
  • Not knowing what to say
  • Saying it in a way that is nice and helpful
  • Inability to articulate your advice
  • How to give constructive criticism
  • Not enough practice
  • My lack of ability to write well
  • Not knowing what I'm supposed to give feedback on

[edit] Worrying about hurting people's feelings (11 comments)

  • Worrying about what people will think
  • Fear of other's reactions
  • I don't like to pick out the negatives in people
  • People not wanting to hurt each other's feelings
  • Not hurting people's feelings
  • Being afraid of hurting someone's feelings
  • Not wanting to offend people
  • Being afraid of hurting someone's feelings
  • Don't want to offend of hurt their feelings
  • People's defense mechanisms
  • Nobody wants to hurt anyone's feelings

[edit] Honesty and Trust (7 comments)

  • Honesty
  • Trust
  • Not being comfortable with each other
  • Trust
  • Caring -- have enough time to care and consider everything in the writing
  • Feeling scared to be honest
  • Not being honest

[edit] Other (7 comments)

  • Lack of familiarity with the subject matter
  • Tangents
  • Stubborness or closed-mindedness
  • Being careless
  • Shyness
  • Disinterest
  • Disinterest

[edit] Understanding (5 comments)

  • Failure to convey/receive the main point
  • Lack of shared perspective
  • Comprehension, language, communication
  • Letting my own point of view overtake what I am reading
  • Cultural differences in how people communicate

[edit] Time (4 comments)

  • Time
  • Not having enough time
  • Time
  • Time

[edit] Most important thing you want from others

[edit] Honesty (17 comments)

  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honest opinion
  • The truth
  • Honesty constructively
  • Honesty
  • Brutal honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • Honesty
  • I want to know if I made a mistake so I can correct it
  • If something's off, I'd like to be told of it.

[edit] Critique me, constructively. (9 comments)

  • Critical perspective
  • Constructive criticism
  • Advice that will help me improve and learn from my mistakes
  • Constructive criticism
  • How to improve, but in a nice way
  • What I should change or improve
  • Gentle, constructive criticism
  • Constructive discussion
  • What could be clearer/better?

[edit] Respond to my ideas. (9 comments)

  • Where my writing did or did not lead them
  • Which ideas are relevant and important to expand on and which might be a dead end
  • It helps when someone asks questions about what I mean
  • Help me bettter convey my ideas to others
  • Possible other ways of explaining my ideas
  • Encouragement to develop ideas
  • Some feedback that stretches my limits and challenges the thought -- learning comes out of it
  • Help me figure out how to organize my ideas
  • Solid feedback about my analysis

[edit] Other (12 comments)

  • A genuine effort
  • Help working on my style
  • Congruency
  • New perspective
  • Learn by seeing others' perspectives
  • Techniques
  • Consistency
  • Clarity
  • Open mind
  • I just want to improve
  • A specific format I learned last quarter
  • Consideration and sharing

[edit] Support me. (3 comments)

  • Approval and validation
  • To feel supported
  • What's the positive?