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[edit] Both students and faculty will...

  • abide by the principles of the Social Contract and the Sexual Harassment Policy;
  • treat all members of this learning community with respect;
  • maintain an open, inquiring attitude toward the material;
  • aim high and set personal standards that stretch their intellectual, physical and expressive potential;
  • be willing to admit ignorance, to experience discomfort, and to make honest mistakes;
  • engage in active, honest reflection about individual and collective learning;
  • demonstrate commitment to and provide a supportive atmosphere for all members of this learning community;
  • attempt to resolve conflict and grievances fully and promptly first on an individual basis, then by seeking assistance from others if issues remain unresolved;
  • treat this program as a part-time job based on the rough idea that a 16-credit program would be a full-time, 40 hour per week job;
  • utilize on-the-job hours, including time in and out of class, to advance the goals of this learning community; and
  • maintain a sense of balance concerning the workloads and pace of teaching and learning and the other goals and demands of our lives.

[edit] Students will...

  • abide by the Academic Rules and Regulations, especially those concerning academic honesty and plagiarism;
  • attend all program activities, arrive on time, and be fully prepared to participate;
  • notify faculty and group members if they are unable to attend due to illness or emergency;
  • participate openly in the learning community to advance their own learning as well as contribute to the learning of others;
  • take initiative in seeking help from faculty whenever significant difficulty exists with the pace or content of the program;
  • collaborate effectively with other students to produce group work that represents the talents and efforts of all members of the group;
  • demonstrate professionalism by submitting typed, appropriately formatted work that has been thoroughly proofread;
  • maintain and submit a program portfolio that will serve as one basis for evaluating student performance;
  • arrange an evaluation conference during evaluation week and prepare drafts of a self-evaluation for that conference; and
  • complete and submit both a self evaluation for the transcript and an evaluation of faculty.

[edit] Faculty will...

  • facilitate the learning of students by collecting and presenting information, designing and conducting activities, and providing prompt feedback for students;
  • be available for students during office hours and by appointment;
  • be available during evaluation week for conferences with each student and write timely evaluations of each student;
  • be prepared for and attend faculty team meetings focused on the facilitation of student learning;
  • arrange and attend a faculty evaluation conference during or shortly after evaluation week;
  • prepare drafts of a self-evaluation and a faculty evaluation for the faculty evaluation conference; and
  • complete and exchange final faculty evaluations within a month after evaluation week.

[edit] Credit and evaluation policy

  • The evaluation process is a central feature of education at Evergreen that allows students to learn by reflecting on their experiences. Students are required to submit timely self-evaluations and faculty evaluations in order to receive credit for the program.
  • In order to receive credit, students must submit a complete portfolio and demonstrate minimum understanding of the material presented.
  • Students receive credit for fulfilling minimum requirements. Plagiarism or academic dishonesty may lead to total loss of credit. Credit may be reduced due to unsatisfactory attendance or due to unsatisfactory performance. Reduction of credit will require consensus of the full faculty team.
  • Credit is not the same as positive evaluation. It is possible to receive credit yet receive a poor evaluation.
  • Incompletes will be discouraged and require consensus of the full faculty team.