Published on Visualizing Ecology (http://www2.evergreen.edu/visecofall)

Week 1: Campus Habitats and Drawing

By francisk
Created 2006-09-27 08:28

Week 1: Campus Habitats and Drawing, Thursday, Sept. 28


Visit three different habitats on the Evergreen campus and make personal and group observations using all your senses.

 Field Supplies and Gear:

Each group of 3 will need:         1 compass

1 thermometer.


Each person needs to have:       rain gear and boots


drinking water

nature journal

micron pen

colored pencils or water colors

copy of Pojar and Mackinnon Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast.


Students will work in the same group of three people that they did the morning orienteering activity with. Using the Ecological Observation Network (EON) map as a guide, pick three different habitats on the Evergreen campus that your group wants to visit. For each location you will be doing 3 things.


  1. Personal observation. Approach quietly as a group, then find your own space away from each other where you will sit in silence for 15 minutes to observe and record. Observe your surroundings using all your senses. In your nature journal, write a description of the site using all your senses; include at least sights, sounds, smell, and textures. In your nature journal make a sketch of an object that draws your attention.


  1. Group observation. Talk to each other about the site with the goal of characterizing the habitat. Work as a group, but each individual needs to record the following information in their nature journal.
    1. Vegetation. Are the canopy trees homogenous or heterogeneous? How about the understory plants? To the best of your ability record the predominant plant species of the canopy and understory.
    2. Topography. Describe the terrain, include the slope and aspect (N, S, E, W)
    3. Current conditions. Include temperature, wind direction and velocity, and precipitation.


  1. Site Map. Locate and label each site on your EON map. Estimate the compass bearing and distance to each site from Red Square. Paste the EON map into your nature journal.  


We have allotted 3 hours to visit 3 sites and return, so you will need to be aware of how long it is taking you to walk to sites and complete your observations. Stay with your group when walking between sites and when returning so that nobody is lost. When your group has finished, everyone must return to our art studio room SEM II D4107 to check in, return the compass and thermometer, and show us your nature journal.


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