Published on Visualizing Ecology (http://www2.evergreen.edu/visecowinter)

Announcement: Switch to Evergreen e-mail accounts

By francisk
Created 2007-01-23 12:15

Starting in March, your evergreen email account will be the only account the college uses to contact you via email. If you are not using this account as of yet, please be sure you do so. You can have email forwarded to your personal, non-Evergreen account, but once this starts, all Evergreen-based email will go to your Evergreen account.

In March 2007, Evergreen will implement a new policy regarding student email:

All students, including both admitted and “special” (non-admitted) students, are given an Evergreen email account upon admission (or upon registration for “special” students.) This email account is a primary mechanism for official college communications to students, including registration and student account information, announcements [1] of official college policies and general announcements [2] and information. As part of their responsibility to work with the college to manage their business and enrollment issues, students are expected to check their college email account on a regular basis.

Evergreen email addresses, in the form "student@evergreen.edu," are already given to all active students. This policy will make it possible for all communications with students - from faculty and administration - to go to this @evergreen address.

Here is the URL for the site  you can use for more info:

 http://www.evergreen.edu/registration/email-overview.html [3]

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