Published on Visualizing Ecology (http://www2.evergreen.edu/visecowinter)

Week 6 Watercolor Assignment

By harrisol
Created 2007-02-14 17:28
Visualizing Ecology
Winter 2007
Week 6 Watercolor Assignment  
Due Week Seven (Wednesday)

Technical Assignment:

In your sketchbook, make a color wheel using the colors in your palette and mixing the missing colors.  Put the neutral colors (browns, grays) in the center.  For each color on the wheel, make a value scale (light to dark).  For each color, make an intensity scale (bright to dull).  Note, to dull a hue, add its complement.  Make a page where you mix grays. Make some warmer and some cooler. Make another page where you mix greens (different combinations of green, red and yellow).  Label your mixtures.  If you don’t have named colors, then just indicate if the color is the warm or cool red, yellow, blue, etc.

Expressive Assignment:
This quarter we have studied important concepts in the history of ecology.  For example, Wendell Berry writes about the dualism of body and soul versus the unity of body and soul.  Kevin lectured about monotheism.  Donald Worster, in Nature’s Economy defines Animism, Arcadianism, Imperialism, Organicism and Mechanism (see page 471-2). Lately we have compared holistic versus reductionist ways of looking at the environment.   Pollen writes about the logic of industry versus the logic of biology ( p. 45).  Choose two concepts that seem to be in contrast.  For each, make an image that symbolizes the concept.  The image should be abstract in nature – it should not depict any object, word, symbol or other recognizable form.  Use shape, color, line, value contrast and pattern to express your idea.  Consider different ways in which to express the attributes of your idea.  For example, does it have inward or outward energy?  Is it self-contained? Is it rigid or fluid?  Is it autonomous or interlocking? Would it be best expressed with curves or sharp edges?  What colors could express the idea?  

Use the watercolor techniques we explored in the workshop.  Your images should be at least a quarter sheet in size.  (Full sheets are 22 x 30).  Do not write the concept on the front of your piece. We will try to guess during the work discussion in Week Seven.  Use your sketchbook to work out your design.

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