Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

"Any good poet, in our age at least, must begin with the scientific view of the world; and any scientist worth listening to must be something of a poet, must possess the ability to communicate to the rest of us [their] sense of love and wonder at what [their] work discovers." - Edward Abbey, The Journey Home

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
On April 2, 2007, forty-six students at The Evergreen State College undertook a shared journey to the wild side, led by our intrepid instructors - Dylan Fischer and Bill Ransom

Ten weeks later, including a brief expedition from the shores of Puget Sound to the Great Basin Desert in Southwest Utah, these students have created some excellent pieces of work, and here are the results ...

So, kick off your boots, stoke the fire and take a gander, I promise you'll leave here with a different view of "The Wild Side"

Technical Papers
Creative Writing
Foreword - Bill Ransom & Dylan Fischer
Come, join us on a journey...

Here's a link to the 184 page printable version (Adobe pdf format) - Writings From the Wild: Where the Grey Wolf Roams