Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Creative Writing
Main Page
Lizard Rock - Zach Davis

The Lizards mouth a desert,

Her tongue dances across horizon.

Still as sage she listens.

Sensing storm clouds rolling in,

She chances a visit to her flaming chief.


Scaling the stronghold without gates.

Paying respect to her emperor.

Drowning in its power.

Falling sand piles at her feet,

The lizard retires with the king.  

Returns to its crevice once more.


Wind slithers sand across the stone pinnacle,

And spits the earth upon two climbers,

Dreamers out to quiet there lusty hearts

These hearts are radars screaming for the summit

Louder than desert thunder in the lizard’s ear.


Like a present under the tree, the castle lies dormant,

Waiting for two to steal the king’s throne

A stout dish served their hungry eyes.

The cameras greed took extra helpings.


Dropping ropes off the backside

The lizard watched their departure

It strained to see through clouds

Twin caps resting in white sheets.

Its Long ridges leading to flat plains


Surrounds this tower’s moat of sand

In Grey skies wind and rain march to their end

Please don’t sink rebellious stone

One step closer to the sea.