Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Creative Writing
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Eagles Domain - Dave Stiles

The eagles flew together

controlling land and air

aloft in all kinds of weather

flying without a care


They were true lovers

flying over mountain, plain and tree

Never fearing any others

their bond for all to see


With wings straight and true

Flying across this land

With speed and power they flew

their kingdom they did command


Gliding with ease and grace

soaring over this vast terrain

This was their land, their place

this land was their domain


But out of the sky came conflict

from the black devil's of the sky

To fight, the choice, that they had picked

to dominate the sky they would try


Five ravens came in fighting

from out of the sun, flying high

Raven and eagle competing

for dominance of the sky


The eagles rose up without fear

each Raven drove home their attack

Their intent, to the eagles, was clear

this land, once theirs, to win back


Hovering, twisting, turning

they rode out the first attack

Each eagle led with talons flashing

the Ravens were the first to crack


The Ravens were soon defeated,

both eagles dispatched them all

the vanquished, had retreated

Far from this land they did fall


Both eagles flew in tandem

their power for all to see

From afar the ravens watched them

in awe of their majesty


Their bond they would not sever

As one they would always remain

Two lovers entwined forever

This was still their domain