Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Jen Acacia Mittelstadt

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“Collected” was inspired outside of the organic farm on The Evergreen State College Campus at the prompting of her professor, Bill Ransom, to go outside and write about something. “Aryls on Martin Luther King Jr. Day” was written 16 years after its subject, the black lab, died on the snow in February.  “Snapshot of Autumn” was inspired by many long nights spent with McKenzie Jean Homan smoking cigarettes in secret.

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Technical Research Paper

Beetles, Bees and Herbivory: Fire Ecology in Southwestern Utah


Snapshot of Autumn

Jen Acacia Mittelstadt was born in a small town in Montana and was raised by her loving parents outside of Helena.  This rural life style has a profound impact on her writing and is a good muse for all types of expression, particularly wild writing.  She is an avid traveler and plans to teach English internationally when finished with her college. She loves to ride horses.