Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Renee Davis

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Her submissions to the website include the nonfiction article “Oh Mirror, If You Could Only See Yourself Now”, the poems “To Fall in Love with a Wild Woman” and “Dylan, Give Me a Break”.

The nonfiction article “Oh Mirror, If You Could Only See Yourself Now” spurs from the fascination and creepiness that the author associates with mirrors. The history of humanity’s preoccupation and fear of the reflection in the mirror is an interesting and complex one, one the author attempts to explore. “To Fall in Love with a Wild Woman” discusses the type of energy that is released as one taps into their true wild nature. This wildness frequently causes others to run in horror. The poem “Dylan, Give Me a Break” conveys the desperation of rushing to complete the portfolio for the Writing on the Wild Side program while recovering from a major surgery.

Technical Research Paper

The effects of fire on Scotch Broom


Creative Nonfiction

Oh Mirror, If You Could Only See Yourself Now

E-mail Renee
Renee is a student at Evergreen pursuing a degree in Ecopsychology. She is a native of the Northeast U.S., loves Chinese oolong tea, gaiwans, orchids, fuschia, and String-of-Pearl Plants. She moved to Olympia in September 2006.